Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis
Trading is not only about buying a fixed-time contract or buying/selling a currency pair. Successful traders use one of the analysis methods to predict price fluctuations. By reading this section, you will find out more about technical analysis and its main features. Here are the main topics in this section:
- Technical analysis basics;
- Trading indicators;
- Types of charts;
- Price action (Japanese candlestick analysis);
- Drawing tools.
First things first. Before going deeper, traders should know the basics of this type of analysis. You will find all the necessary information about the origins and the development of technical analysis.
Next, you will also find out more about the main types of charts. While Japanese candlesticks are very popular nowadays and provide traders with a lot of great patterns that allow them to analyze prices even without any additional indicators, there are plenty of other charts that may be interesting to you. Apart from Japanese candlesticks, you will discover lines, bars and heikin ashi.
Speaking of Japanese candlesticks, you will discover all the most popular and even some exotic patterns on the pages of this category. By learning them, traders will have the opportunity to build their strategies based on a very popular and fruitful method.
Technical analysis includes drawing and using support, resistance, trendlines, channels, and more. By reading our articles, you will learn more about how to apply those tools correctly and how to use them to predict price fluctuations.