
Modern technical analysis includes a lot of tools that can be used by traders of all types. Indicators are one of them. While they look very simple and illustrative, there are still a lot of things that you should learn about them before you start using technical indicators.
One of the most popular trading indicators is the moving average. This line allows you to see the current price direction and even predict the end of a trend and the beginning of the next one. While the moving average seems to be very simple, you need to learn more about it before using it, as it offers almost unlimited potential to traders.
Being a modern trading terminal, the Binolla platform offers a lot more. Apart from the moving average that is widely used in many classic and modern strategies, you will be able to discover some other indicators that will allow you not only to establish the current market tendency but also see the possible reversal signals, the strength of both bulls and bears, etc.
Each description of the technical indicator in this section contains a lot of useful information. In particular, by reading them, you will be able to:
- Discover the basics of each technical indicator;
- Find out more about the settings that you can change in order to make it even more useful for trading;
- Learn some basic strategies that can be applied when you use a particular trading indicator.
Our indicators section is a kind of knowledge base that will be useful for both beginner and skilled traders. Whatever your current level is, you will always find something interesting here and be able to enrich your expertise in a particular trading indicator.